Amma’s message to her children concerning the WTC 9/11 tragedy

14 Sep 2001, Amritapuri
When some people act indiscriminately, countless innocent people suffer. Amma is extremely pained to hear that many of Her American children are suffering. Amma is praying for them. After Amma heard the news (8:00 p.m. Indian time/10:30 a.m. New York time), Amma waited anxiously without food or sleep until daybreak to hear the latest updates on the situation.
If only people would ponder deeply about the plight of those who were trapped in those burning buildings – the distress they suffered, their desperate cries for help, and the intense panic that even caused some of them to jump out of the windows – no one would ever commit such an atrocity again.
My children, let us all pray for the peace of the departed souls and the quick recovery of those who were injured, and for the welfare of all beings in the world.