Festival Days

6 Oct 2001, Amritapuri

The festival atmosphere at Amritapuri stretched from Wednesday to Sunday morning, when Devi Bhava, begun the previous night at 8:00 pm, finished close to 11:00 am.

In the days preceding Amma’s Birthday, the Ashram was transformed into a city of light. Local devotees teamed up to build several impressive structures, both decorative and functional as necessary shelters, while other devotees worked around the clock to prepare food for the 100,000 visitors expected from all over India. Still others worked tirelessly throughout to help the crowds move smoothly and efficiently.

Wherever Amma walked, great care and artistry had been exercised in beautifying the path which lay before Her. Pictured at left is a scene from Her courtyard, where local devotees had lovingly lit Her way.