Partnership programs in LA

14-16 June, Los Angeles, America Yatra 2016

Amma returned to the Hilton Los Angeles Airport hotel for three days of programs on June 14th-16th.

During the first evening program, a representative of MA Center-LA announced that the Center has recently launched two Embracing the World programs in partnership with three local non-profit organizations. Through partnerships with New Directions for Veterans and with IDEPSA Community Job Center for Day Laborers , IAM classes (Integrated Amrita Meditation) will be taught to disabled war veterans and those suffering from PTSD, as well as to day laborers to help reduce stress in their daily lives as they struggle to support their families.

In an additional partnership with City Plants, MA Center – LA has committed to planting 5,000 trees in low tree canopy cover neighborhoods in Los Angeles.

Representatives from the three non-profit organizations – Veterans Services, IDEPSCA and City Plants – were on hand to garland Amma.

During the programs, local satsangs sang bhajans and local devotees danced traditional Indian dances. At the end of the second evening program, Amma delighted everyone by singing two new bhajans.
