05-06 Jan, Kannur, Kerala – Bharata Yatra 2016
Amma started off this year’s Bharata Yatra by visiting the North Kerala city of Kannur. During the two day Brahmasthanam festival, Amma gave satsang, sang bhajans and gave darshan.

In her satsang, Amma asked everyone to practice yoga everyday. She recommend people do at least Surya Namaskara (sun salutation sequence of yoga poses) daily. She also encouraged everyone to walk at least 30 minutes a day and stressed the importance of spending time in the evening sun (after 4pm) to help offset vitamin D deficiencies caused by working indoors and from being in air conditioned rooms and vehicles.
Stressing on the importance of service, Amma said “You do not need to be in a high position or wealthy in order to console the suffering. A loving word, a compassionate glance, a helping hand – that’s enough to help someone. We can also have empathy for them and feel their pain.
Amma reminded the assembled devotees, “It is not what we achieve in life materially, but what we give to the world is that reflects and gives value to our life”.
On the second day at the end of the darshan, Amma sang and danced to traditional Baduga music.