Unity brings peace

31 December 2002, Amritapuri

On Tuesdays, Amma meditates with the residents in the old temple. Then She answers questions posed by the residents. Ever the embodiment of humility, Amma sometimes says that She feels Her answers are not complete, and that She would like Her children to say something in addition. Today, Amma asked Her children to share resolutions or vows they would like to take for the coming year.

One resident responded with a prayer that world peace would finally dawn in 2003.

Amma replied, “For world peace to come, unity is needed. Unity is the substratum of world peace. By the light of one zero-watt bulb, even one student cannot study. But if 25 bulbs are connected together in a series, even 2000 people can sit together and they can all read by that light. This is the importance of unity. Once there is unity, all differences will cease to exist and there will be world peace.”

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