Welcoming Speech of Women’s Initiative: Embracing Universal Motherhood for Peace & Harmony
“Amma has always lived Her life as a new kind of leader, whose life embodies Her values.” —Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
Delivered by Swamini Krishnamrita Prana
Mata Amritanandamayi Math
“Aum Amriteswaryai namah. My prostrations at the holy feet of Amma and to all of you here today. On behalf of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math, we would like to welcome you to ‘Embracing Universal Motherhood for Peace & Harmony.’ We offer a very warm welcome to you all, warm in many ways.
“Amma has always lived Her life as a new kind of leader, whose life embodies Her values. She chose Her own path of service to humanity and to express Her unconditional love for all. She has committed to Her values uncompromisingly. Many, many people all around the world have benefited from Her choice to serve.
“Amma has shown us that every day we have the opportunity to care about the well being of others. Amma has called for the awakening of Universal Motherhood.
“We are honoured today to be joined by our 14 speakers who are also leaders who have worked hard in their own lives to serve and uplift positive human values. We look forward to hearing their personal words and incites about the values of Universal Motherhood. We are especially honoured to have with us the greatly respected Dr. Najma Heptulla, the Deputy Chairperson of the Upper House of the Indian Parliament. She will be presiding over our event today, and also Yolanda King, who will be delivering our Inaugural Address.
So now we would like to start the Inauguration.”