Arjuna Sayyed

Arjuna Sayyed (USA)

“I have laid my work in dance on a spiritual foundation that Amma has provided for me. I look at my dance as a form of meditation in which I live one breath at a time.” —Arjuna Sayyed

An overview of Arjuna’s Amritavarsham50 Youth Summit speech on Amma’s impact on his life.

In his speech, Arjun explained how he felt that Amma had revealed to him his interest in working with children, teaching them how to dance. This was confirmed, he said, when he was able to help a six-year-old child whose father had just been murdered the week before. By sharing his time and energy with others, he said he felt he was turning his thoughts and actions into worship. ‘If you do what you love with all your heart,’ Arjuna said, ‘it becomes worship in itself.’

“Throughout my teenage life, I always found Amma in my mind, reminding me of the importance of keeping my spirituality intact with all my worldly endeavors. When first coming to Amma, I thought that spirituality was a lifestyle that was lived behind the walls of temples and ashrams. Then, when I was given a mantra, I understood that spirituality was a tool to find one’s innate inner peace. I also thought that the true value of spirituality was only reaped when taking physical refuge in the Guru. Amma taught me the importance for spiritual grounding as we live out life ‘in the world.’

“Amma’s advice of turning all thoughts and actions into worship has influenced me greatly in my activity as a dancer. Amma’s teachings about living in the present bring so much purpose to my dance. I have laid my work in dance on a spiritual foundation that Amma has provided for me. I look at my dance as a form of meditation in which I live one breath at a time, with the goal of ridding my mind of all thoughts to reach pure improvisation. I have discovered so much about myself as Amma has revealed moments of pure movement and innate feeling.”

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