23 Hours of Darshan

After 23 Hours… Darshan Ends

Amma leaves after 23 hours on stage – end of AmritaVarsham50

Amma joined Her children in the Amritavarsham50 stadium on 27 September at 9:30 a.m. After an award ceremony, some speeches and cultural programmes, She began giving darshan.

It wasn’t until 8:00 a.m. the next morning that Amma left the stage—23 hours later, 19 of it spent in giving darshan without a break.

Even though it was Amma’s birthday, it was She who gave the most—the supreme gift of Herself.

When Amma finally stood up, after that marathon darshan session, there was a beautiful silence. She looked around the stadium at the thousands upon thousands of Her children who still surrounded Her. She raised Her hands in one last pranam, and walked off the stage.

Amritavarsham50 was over.