MAM in UN Commission

Eleven representatives from the MAM attended the 17th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-17) at the United Nations in New York. The annual conference took place from May 4 to 15, 2009, with more than 1,000 people attending, including ministers of state, distinguished members from public and private sectors, academia, and civil society.
Many noted a strong synergy between the strategic initiatives of the Ashram’s Farmer Relief Project and the rural development policies and measures adopted by CSD-17.  In view of the increased activities of empowerment and self reliance of AmritaSree, its name of the partnership will be updated to The Farmers’ Empowerment Project.

The newly designated partnership has been cordially invited to participate in CSD-18 on year 2010.

In the photo: John H. Wells, Director, Cooperative Development Division, United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, during discussions at the Partnership Desk with two members of the MAM.

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