27 Sep 2012, Amritapuri
Amma’s 59th Birthday Celebrations
At 9:00 a.m., Amma arrived at the stage at Amrita University Campus, flanked by gracefully dancing students from Amrita University dressed in traditional Mohiniyattam finery, to the accompaniment of Panchavadyam.
The Sri Guru Pada Puja ceremony was conducted by Amma’s senior disciples and led by Swami Amritaswarupananda.
Addressing the huge gathering Amma said “Amma doesn’t see this as a day of celebration. This should be a day when the gaps between human hearts close a little. This should be a day when one person is able to remove the sorrows of another, a day when the hands of one person stretch out to help another. We shouldn’t reserve this attitude just for today; it should extend and come to pervade our entire life. Amma’s happiness is in seeing my children’s lives becoming the carriers of this message.”
“We live in an age wherein despite immense scientific and technological advancements, we are witnessing the disintegration of many other important aspects of our lives. Therefore our focus today should neither be on dependence nor non-dependence, but on interdependence. This is because humans, animals, plants, the earth, the sky, the atmosphere, the sun, the moon and all the planets are all interdependent.”
“Man is a part of nature. We have come from nature. The human body is comprised of the five natural elements. Forever forbearing and forgiving us, the earth remains as our constant support. The sun gives us light. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, which is poisonous to us, and release oxygen. Rivers and lakes give us fresh water to quench our thirst. Air provides us with our life-breath. In spite of all this, man, who has evolved from the five elements, fails to acknowledge their importance.
“Just having a respectful approach to everything can bring about a huge transformation in our society and in the world. To rise triumphantly in life, we should begin from the bottom. To build a tall tower that stretches to the sky, we should start by building a solid foundation down in the earth. It is humility that makes us rise high. It is respect that gives one real power.
“We should live our life in a manner that is helpful to both ourselves as well as to others. God has given lightening just a few moments of existence. So too a rainbow. Some flowers blossom just for a single day. The full moon lasts only till sunrise. A butterfly lives for only a few days. However during their short existence, they give so much beauty and happiness to the world. Amma prays that we learn from their example and try to use our lives to make this world an even more beautiful place. Let us color our lips with words of truth. Let us trace our eyes with the anjana (‘kajal’ or traditional eyeliner) of compassion. Let us adorn our hands with the henna of good deeds. Let us bless our minds with the sweetness of humility. Let us fill our hearts with the light of love for God and all of God’s creation. Like this, may we transform this world into heaven” Amma concluded.
Afterwards a series of charitable programs were launched by different dignitaries.