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  • Amma awarded Sant Jnaneshwara World Peace Prize

    Amma awarded Sant Jnaneshwara World Peace Prize

    31 January 2006 — Pune, Maharashtra On 31 January 2006, Amma was awarded the “Philosopher Saint Sri Jnaneshwara World Peace Prize 2006” by the World Peace Centre (WPC), a Pune-based organization focused on bringing together the forces of science, philosophy and religion for world peace The award was officially presented by Padma Vibhusan Nirmala Deshpande,…

  • Transcending time and space through love

    Transcending time and space through love

    8 – 10 January, Kozhikode, Kerala — Bharata Yatra 2006 They begin queuing up the day before Amma is to give darshan, and they spend the whole night there, entire families sleeping on the hard ground under the open sky. Most of them have been waiting all year for these three days—Amma’s annual visit to…

  • The creator and the creation are not two: Amma in Kottakkal

    The creator and the creation are not two: Amma in Kottakkal

    6 January, 2006 – Kottakkal, Malappuram, Kerala By noon, the chairs were full, by 5:00, the grounds were full and by 7:00 the roads were all blocked. How many people came to see Amma in Kottakkal? When the crowds are this big, it is hard to say: 80,000? 90,000? 100,000? The only way you can really…

  • “Imagine the sun rising in your heart”: 2006 begins in celebration

    “Imagine the sun rising in your heart”: 2006 begins in celebration

    Midnight, 1 January 2006 —Amritapuri When the clock struck midnight, Amma had been giving darshan for more than 13 hours. The New Year’s Eve dances and other cultural performances had taken place at Amma’s side. Darshan finished almost exactly with the beginning of 2006. The thousands of devotees  from all over the world who had…