Amma’s 52th birthday celebration


Programme Schedule


* Sri Guru Padapuja–Worship of the Guru’s Lotus Feet
* Amma’s Address
* Public Function
* Distribution of Keys to Tsunami-Relief Housing, as well as Free Fishing Boats, Engines and Fishing Nets
* Inauguration of New Ashram Charitable Projects
* Distribution of Free Clothing for the Poor
* Awarding of the Amrita Keerti Puraskar to P Narayana Kurup
* Mass Marriage
* Followed by Amma’s darshan

During the observances of Amma’s birthday, which will be held at Amritapuri Ashram, in Kollam, Kerala, the Mata Amritanandamayi Math will distribute of keys to 550 tsunami-relief houses, as well as free fishing boats, boat engines and fishing nets. It will also launch its Matru Gramam programme, wherein villages are helped to become self-reliant, and inaugurate Kalakshetram. Free clothing will be distributed to the poor, and a mass marriage will be held for 52 impoverished couples. Gold ornaments, marriage dresses and family feast will be provided as part of the marriage; the costs for each couple being Rs. 45,000.

“God’s nature is pure compassion. Lending a helping hand to a neglected soul, feeding the hungry, giving a compassionate smile to the sad and dejected–this is the real language of religion. Living only for one’s self is not life, but death. We should invoke God’s compassion in our own hearts and hands. Only then will we experience deep joy and fulfilment in life.” –Amma