Testimonial Category: Media and News Papers
Boston Globe, July 26, 2003
“She does not attempt to convert people of other religions. There are Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and Atheists in her crowds. If she has a dogma, it is simple: Love and serve one another.” Boston Globe, July 26, 2003
Fox5 News, Washington, D.C.
“Thousands of people are coming to Northern Virginia to meet the Hugging Saint.” Fox5 News, Washington, D.C.
ABC News, Chicago
“She is known around the world as the Mother of Love, the Hugging Saint.” ABC News, Chicago
ABC News, Chicago
“Wherever She goes, She draws huge crowds, and Chicago was no exception.” ABC News, Chicago
NBC News, Los Angeles
“This is something you have to see to believe. Amma came to California to hug thousands of people.” NBC News, Los Angeles
CNN’s Ginny Moost
“Amma is renowned for Her extraordinary hugging. Amma makes no promises, She welcomes all religions, Her hugs are free.” CNN’s Ginny Moost
NBC’s Today Show, Ann Curry, host, during segment called, ‘The Hugging Saint’
“She is known as Amma or Divine Mother. She draws masses with the simplest of gestures – a hug.” NBC’s Today Show, Ann Curry, host, during segment called, ‘The Hugging Saint’
Aamulehti, Finland’s leading newspaper, October 10, 2004
“Amma’s central message is the omnipotence of love and compassion. She teaches the importance of selfless service. Amma’s innumerable charitable projects have given relief to the lives of many poor around the world.” Aamulehti, Finland’s leading newspaper, October 10, 2004
Der Standard, The Austrian intelligentia daily, Column by Antonella Mei-Pochtler October 3, 2003
“Amma manages a spiritual empire based on the principle of unconditional love for fellow beings…The impact Amma has, is to a large extent due to her absolute unity of motivation and action. …” “Whoever is shaking their head at the successful CEOs celebrating Amma’s birthday, should think twice. After all, even their success and happiness…
L’Unita, the leading ‘intelligentia’ newspaper of Italy, October 6, 2003
“Amma – India’s best known and most loved female guru – doesn’t promise miracles or any sudden materialization of jewels, no miraculous healing, no sudden illumination, but simply the gift of her embrace. For all, without discrimination, for whoever wants it.” L’Unita the leading ‘intelligentia’ newspaper of Italy, October 6, 2003