Tag: culture

  • Take little, give more

    Take little, give more

    Even while experiencing hunger, they thought about other’s pain. Even while experiencing pain, they were able to show compassion to other beings. This was the nature of our forefathers. In the village where Amma grew up, 90% of the people lived off daily wages. Whatever they would earn on a particular day, they would spend…

  • The law of Nature and of life is selflessness

    The law of Nature and of life is selflessness

    27 Sep 2019 – AmritaVarsham 66 , Amritapuri Excerpts from the message of Amma on the occasion of her 66th Birthday Celebrations Children, seeing all of you gathered here today, united in love, Amma feels like she is looking at a garland made from many beautiful flowers of different colours. Although this is a time…