Category: Teachings

  • Life is a lodge. Learn to check out happily

    Life is a lodge. Learn to check out happily

    The goal of human life is God-realisation. We are not separate from God. A drop of this awareness is already present in us. What we need to do is expand this awareness and strengthen it.

  • Zero to Hero

    Zero to Hero

    Arjuna had the attitude “I am a zero and Lord Krishna, my hero, is acting through me.” Such an attitude can convert even a zero into a hero.

  • When disciple awakens, Guru manifests

    When disciple awakens, Guru manifests

    Whenever we are ready to obey the Lord, and we approach Him with the attitude of a disciple — with humility, devotion, and shraddha — the God within us will assume the role of Guru, and lead us, holding our hand.

  • A thousand pilgrimages = presence of the  Master

    A thousand pilgrimages = presence of the Master

    It may be difficult, but we need to keep trying. Even if we fail a hundred times, even a single victory is a big victory. We may fail a test multiple times, but once we finally pass it, we need not take the test ever again.

  • Love makes each day new & fresh

    Love makes each day new & fresh

    If we love something, we will always find it new and fresh. It is when love is lost that an object also seems to lose its novelty.

  • A Guru is a Skilful Sculptor

    A Guru is a Skilful Sculptor

    The sculptor has to hit parts of the boulder very hard with a hammer and chisel or gently taps on other areas. Some parts need to be completely removed, while other areas just need polishing.

  • Be patient, Master is at work

    Be patient, Master is at work

    We run all over the place in search of God. Just when our roots begin to grow, we start thinking, “I’m not gaining anything here. If I go over there I may get more.” What we really need is patience.

  • Forget oneself to find oneself

    Forget oneself to find oneself

    The essence of the scriptures is in its practical aspect. While dealing with others, were we able to maintain our composure? Otherwise, what is the difference between us and a tape recorder, or a book?

  • Turn your life into one big smile

    Turn your life into one big smile

    Scriptures like the Bhagavad-Gita teach us to air-condition the mind. We become adjustable to every situation.

  • Take little, give more

    Take little, give more

    Even while experiencing hunger, they thought about other’s pain. Even while experiencing pain, they were able to show compassion to other beings. This was the nature of our forefathers. In the village where Amma grew up, 90% of the people lived off daily wages. Whatever they would earn on a particular day, they would spend…