In her New Year message, Amma shared ten profound pointers for a mindful, compassionate, and purposeful life—urging us to embrace love, patience, and self-control, fostering unity and peace in all our actions.
1. Set aside at least one day a week to observe silence. This practice benefits both your body and mind.2. Carry out your daily routines, such as brushing your teeth, bathing and eating, with mindfulness and awareness.3. Everyone has made mistakes at some point. Take time to reflect on the mistakes you’ve made, sincerely repent for them and pray for grace to prevent repeating them in the future.4 Except for those paralysed by illness, everyone should remain engaged in some activity. Staying active contributes to better mental health.5. Never lose an opportunity to do seva. If there is no opportunity to engage in seva at your workplace, set aside a portion of what you earn and use it to help others selflessly.6. Students should make it a habit to read from the life-stories of Mahātmās for at least half an hour once a week. This will help in their journey to imbibe values and discover one’s True Self.7. Strive to practice moderation and self-control in daily interactions. It is very hard to bring the mind under control. Thus, follow a disciplined routine.8. Practice humility. Humility is the booster rocket that enables the mind to break free from the gravitational pull of all negativities and attachments and soar to great heights.9. Patience is a fundamental quality we must have. Patience comes from paying close attention, and vice versa. They are like two sides of a coin.10. We should not only express gratitude through our words but also through our actions.