Devi bhava ushers in Krishnajayanti

5 – 6 September 2004 — Amritapuri


When the doors to the temple opened Sunday night Amma was seated on Her chair wearing a yellow sari. Yellow is the color Krishna wore. As darshan went on way past sunrise the next morning, Krishnajayanti, it was very fitting. Throughout Devi Bhava, the swamis sang many Krishna bhajans, including “Nandakumara,” “Govardhanagiri Kudayakki,” “Adharam Madhuram,” and “Pandharivasa Srihari Vitthala.”

Not long before 10:30 a.m., when Devi Bhava finished, one devotee even put a peacock feather in Amma’s Devi Bhava crown.

For some it was like the old days when Amma gave the devotees a glimpse of both Devi and Krishna in one night.


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