From LA

LA , 21 June, 2001

Big Kiss in LA

A little fellow and his mother brought Mother a giant pink foil wrapped Hershey’s Kiss, almost bigger than the boy himself! Mother delighted all watchers when She suddenly raised the Kiss and set it on Her own Head-it was so big it “sheltered” the child as well!

“Mother, I’m fifty today”

The woman told Mother it was her fiftieth birthday, and of course, Mother celebrated with her. First She gave her a good long birthday hug, then an apple, which She made her take two bites from! After Mother threw flower petals on her head, she started to leave – only to be pulled back again; Mother wanted to give her a very special rose: one plucked from the flowers decorating Mother’s chair that first morning in Los Angeles

Media Presence in LA

Both the morning and the evening programs on Mother’s first day in LA (19 June) were opportunities for the local newspapers and TV channels to come find out about “the hugging saint.” Here, the reporter from FOX 11 is doing live coverage during the evening program.

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