Amma encourages us that we should re-learn to grow our own vegetables. Teaching this knowledge to our children certainly has a great influence on our future. Amma Center, Switzerland held a seminar this summer to do just that. This seminar followed permaculture principles taught by Anselm Ibing and Nirmala Iser. An enthusiastic crowd of interested adults and inspired children learned in theory and practice, what is meant by Permaculture and how it can become a part of our lives. With ideal weather, the adults and children learned how to create a flower bed, how to plant the flower seeds; how to make compost and worm compost; how to build shelters for bats, how to build wind turbines for the expulsion of rodents in the garden and how the rain water on the property can used better.
All participants were able to go home satisfied and inspired. And the Amma Center now has a new compost, worm compost, bat houses and many windmills in the garden.