10 March 2011, Fiji
Br. Shantamrita Chaitanya carried out a workshop for United Nations staff based in capital Suva, Fiji, entitled “Achieving a Work Life Balance: A holistic approach” at the UN’s request. The workshop was held at the United Nations Development Programme Pacific Centre’s office on March 10, and the participants were from a range of United Nations agencies in Suva, including the Director of the Pacific Centre.
Shantamrita introduced concepts and techniques aiming to improve not only the abilities of the UN staff to manage complex projects, but also their ability to deal with the multiple demands of their personal lives in order to achieve a holistic success. Seeing life as a whole rather than divided in to personal and professional, and both the workplace and the home as places to grow spiritually and professionally was a theme that UN staff found refreshing in the interactive workshop. The participants commented that they felt better equipped to deal with stress, handle personal and professional demands, and grow spiritually and in their careers.