Category: Karthika

  • Karthika in Kanni

    Karthika in Kanni

    04 Oct 2012, Amritapuri Karthika puja was conducted today, on the birthday of Amma (according to the Indian Calender – Karthika in Kanni month) at the Kalari. Kalari used to be a cowshed where Amma used to sit and meditate. Later she used that space to receive the devotees. [av_partner columns=’1′ heading=” size=’no scaling’ border=”…

  • Kartika puja for the New Year

    3 January 2004 — Amritapuri After bhajans ended this evening and Amma returned to Her room, many made their way to the kalari for the monthly Karthika Puja. In addition to the annual birthday observed in the West, which is based on the sun’s position, a monthly birthday is also traditionally observed in India that…

  • Kartika Puja

    6 October, 2001 According to the Hindu calendar, Amma was born in the month of Kanni under the Kartika star. This year, this day fell on the 6th October. That evening, while Amma gave darshan in the auditorium, the Kartika puja was held in the Kalari as it is every month under the Kartika star.…